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Latest Works

Carving Medea
Before the first strike of the chisel, she was stone. Ten sweat-grimed men worked quickly cutting into the ribs of a mountain that held...
Janel Konzer
Feb 149 min read

Memento mori
“Why is this night different from all other nights?” – From the Passover Seder Here I lie, chad gadya on my hospital bed counting my...
Raymond Turco
Feb 142 min read

Dirce’s Spring
I hated so much in my life and still became something beautiful when I died. Here, slotted in the rock, I flow out. I’ll erode what’s...
Emily Jarecke
Feb 141 min read

At a lancet looking out on empty hills and dark forests, Carpathians hulking against the horizon like titans, he watches for other...
Harrison Hurst
Feb 141 min read

River Styx
The river doesn't care if you're ready. Mid-life catches you like an undertow, drags you into waters too deep for standing. One day...
Louise Worthington
Feb 142 min read

The Return of Persephone
Last night beneath my blankets, I lay still. I dreamt the moon had fled from winter’s wind. Boreas slung his cape across the skies and...
Jim Bellanca
Feb 142 min read

On the Seafloor
My mind, memories, and soul came into being—like waking up, only somehow, I was already awake. My dim cabin aboard the Samsa was more...
Josephine G Cambridge
Nov 16, 20244 min read

Nayarit Night Houses
Perhaps they too were lonely, Not among themselves so much As among their own kind. Loneliness was a hand reaching Through the darkness...
Christopher Woods
Nov 16, 20241 min read

Across the Marsh
Nobody batted an eye while the man with the carrion-crow mask handed the little girl flowers of violet. Not even the young farmhand, who...
Dani Arieli
Sep 21, 202410 min read

“Tell me a bedtime story, mother,” the child says. “What kind of story?” the mother asks. “One of your scary ones. One about the...
A.K. McCarthy
Sep 20, 20245 min read

Gift of the Fey
Tira plucked the sethel flower off the stem and sucked the starlight from it. It hinted at sweetness, teasing like the moon on this...
Emmie Christie
May 18, 20245 min read

An Age of Progress
The traditions recycled and passed down on an earth that forever stood still. An essence diluted to the dusty remains of some forgotten...
Benjamin Parker
May 17, 20241 min read

The Emerald Tablet: A Cut-up Poem
The holy speech, that which is Divine Spirit, the embodied Logos, is immortal. All of nature in paragraph, as indeed the secret song of...
C.J. Lane
May 17, 20241 min read

The two holy men traveled by day, each of them on their own mule, riding slowly through the grass, until they came to the cabin in the...
Zary Fekete
May 17, 202414 min read

Part I: Their ship wasn't meant for oars, but they brought them above deck anyway. They tied the sails down, securing them with ropes to...
Isabella Frederick
Mar 16, 202411 min read

helen of troy as my great grandmother
she boiled rocks, you know on the stove to get rid of the spirits. an image of an elderly helen of troy one that did not disappear with...
Abbie Hart
Mar 15, 20241 min read

Calamaro Grande
Ripples in the canals are the only warning you get. They’re also the last thing most people see. When feeding starts, you’d better hope...
S.T. Gillard
Mar 15, 20244 min read

Hanging Babylon, fig trees of dream—uncut oasis, liquor of sun. Perfect Babylon: a sceptre, ailing queen, a gospel of hoaxes preachers...
Venus Fung
Mar 15, 20241 min read

I pray to Dionysus— begging him to walk me through his vineyard Asking him to sew me to his thigh and make me twice-born too I fear he is...
Meredith Brown
Mar 15, 20241 min read

On Viewing 'Winged Victory of Samothrace' at Musée du Louvre
Magnificent Niké alights upon a plinth of stones her huge wings of blue the wrapped mantle of fine linen around her legs hemmed in blue...
Ron Tobey
Mar 15, 20242 min read
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