To thee, an angel, called by the Lord unto the operation of this machine—
In the days of Moses thou puttest the word of God into the machine. And the machine did rain manna down upon the wilderness, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey. And lo, the Israelites did feed for forty years.
Thou hast opened this scroll on the day man hath failed to keep the Earth as the Lord commanded. Man and woman have fouled the seas, and no fish swimmeth therein. No seed taketh root upon their land of poison. Their vineyards wither from the great heat they hath wrought. They fear famine and pestilence shall devour them.
Therefore again thou shalt operate the machine. But thou dost ask, “How shall this be? For God is silent, and the machine is empty and maketh no manna.”
Go now, dig up the corpses of the dead, and put them in the machine, as it is written, “The fathers shall eat of their sons, and the sons shall eat of their fathers.” Manna shall rain down upon the face of the Earth, and both man and woman shall feed. Yea, like swine they shall feed, though the manna taste not of honey, but shall have the bitter taste of the poison and uncleanness they hath wrought. And those who eat of it shall weep and gnash their teeth. And the smoke of their sorrow shall ascendeth for ever and ever.

Paul is an award-winning science fiction author, technology blogger, and former punk rock drummer. At age six, he saw 2001: A Space Odyssey on the big screen, which disrupted the development of his prefrontal cortex. Paul’s edgy, reality-bending stories are influenced by his former career in VR and many late nights drumming in punk bar bands. Originally from Flint, MI, Paul resides in Colorado, where he sips espresso and watches the snow sublimate. His stories are published at Uncharted Magazine, Amazing Stories, Creepy Podcast, and elsewhere. Follow him at PaulMartz.com.